Peter chapter one verse four to eight said, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love will cover over a multitude of sins", and this means that the importance of love and loving one another comes from the fact that it forgives all forms of sin. There are so many ways on how we can show love to our fellow humans and various celebrations have been made because of it, such as Valentines Day. Yes, it is true that we have to give love every single day but Valentines Day is one of those days when we can express ourselves without having to sound too cheesy or corny and also, when we think about Valentines Day, it comes alongside love and romance, right? What would you do if your loved one has become extremely ill? Are you one of those individuals who will abandon them as they are no longer the person that you know or perhaps, you are one of those few who will stick with them until they got healed from their illness?
If you have been reading the bible, surely, you do know how it instructs us to love unconditionally the same way Jesus did when he was still here on Earth. This type of love is called Agape Love at in the Bible. Speaking of Agape love, the term Agape in the ancient greek actually pertains to general affection or a much deeper sense of true love, something that is quite different from the passionate love that we commonly feel with one another.
One great example of Agape love is the love that Jesus Christ has for us because he is willing to sacrifice himself, by dying on the cross, just so we can be saved from all our sins. What we are trying to say here is that the one that covers us from all our sins is the love that He has for us. Not only that, there goes the fact as well that the love He has for us is beyond measure, to the point that he declared that we are forgiven and that we can go to Him and ask anything in His name and He will provide for us. Now, my friend, if you think that this is not true love, then I no longer know what is. Get Christian readings here!
Another form of Agape love that we want you to know of is the love that a Mother has for her child. She conceived us, carried us for nine months, suffer the side effects of pregnancy and give birth to us, this form of love is something that only a Mother can give. Surely, you do know about how Mothers are the strongest and the most fearless people we will ever know, not minding the risk of giving birth just to give us the chance of being with her, feeling the love she has for us and seeing the world she has lived in. Yes, it is true that our Mother's love is not on par with the love that Jesus Christ has for us however, it is a kind of love that we can learn something from. The love that our Blessed Mother has for Jesus Christ is beyond measure. Our Blessed Virgin Mother is the queen of all queens, accepting the responsibility given to her by the most high (which is to bear his child) just so the world can be saved. She will risk anything and everything, even losing her most precious Son to death, just so we can be saved. This, for us, is the purest and truest form of love. Read more claims about religion, go to